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200% increase in matching donation participation
90% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
3,500+ volunteer hours tracked in first 9 months
70% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
100% employee engagement and 5,000 women impacted in Annual Volunteer Day
16 volunteer events completed in 16 global markets in 1st month
3,419% over goal in their Annual Giving Challenge campaign
17 volunteer events aligned to DEI initiatives completed in 6 months
30 new hires since adding social impact program to job descriptions
87% employee participation in local volunteer program
200% increase in matching donation participation
90% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
3,500+ volunteer hours tracked in first 9 months
70% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
100% employee engagement and 5,000 women impacted in Annual Volunteer Day
16 volunteer events completed in 16 global markets in 1st month
3,419% over goal in their Annual Giving Challenge campaign
17 volunteer events aligned to DEI initiatives completed in 6 months
30 new hires since adding social impact program to job descriptions
87% employee participation in local volunteer program
200% increase in matching donation participation
90% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
3,500+ volunteer hours tracked in first 9 months
70% employee engagement in giving & volunteering
100% employee engagement and 5,000 women impacted in Annual Volunteer Day
16 volunteer events completed in 16 global markets in 1st month
3,419% over goal in their Annual Giving Challenge campaign
17 volunteer events aligned to DEI initiatives completed in 6 months
30 new hires since adding social impact program to job descriptions
87% employee participation in local volunteer program