Rally Employees to Do Good on Giving Tuesday with Percent Pledge

A huge shout-out to all our amazing Percent Pledge customers! This Giving Tuesday, our customers showed the season's true spirit by going above and beyond to support causes close to their hearts. From record-breaking donations to hands-on volunteering, our customers’ generosity and creativity were inspiring.

Let's take a moment to celebrate some of the incredible ways our customers used Percent Pledge to make a difference:

Exceeding expectations with a heartfelt campaign

One of our valued customers embarked on a giving journey that surpassed previous benchmarks and set a new standard for corporate generosity. 

After creating a campaign on its Percent Pledge Giving Platform, the company and its employees raised a staggering $123,594, a 30% increase from last year's impressive $94,773. This incredible achievement was fueled by the power of their $500 per employee matching donation benefit, which incentivized participation and drove engagement.

We are thrilled about the success of our campaign on the Percent Pledge platform! We didn't just beat last year's numbers; we smashed them out of the park.
Customer admin

Meaningful volunteering with Little Essentials

A second customer chose to celebrate Giving Tuesday in a hands-on manner by leveraging the Percent Pledge customizable full-service volunteer events

Collaborating with Little Essentials, a vital organization providing essential supplies and support to at-risk families in New York City, the team spent 40 hours at the Little Essentials warehouse, sorting and assembling essential child and baby care products. The experience was more than just volunteering; it was a chance to connect with colleagues, build stronger relationships, and make a tangible difference in the lives of children in need. 

It was amazing to see everyone come together, from new hires to senior leadership, to help those less fortunate. We learned, laughed, and reaffirmed the power of teamwork, all while giving back to our community.

Annual matching donation and Cause Credit incentives

In the spirit of holiday giving, another forward-thinking customer used Giving Tuesday as the launchpad for their annual matching donation and Cause Credit incentives. With an impressive historical participation rate of 90%, they set the stage for a season of generosity and community support. By combining the power of matching donations with Cause Credit incentives, they motivated their team and reinforced a culture of giving within their corporate ethos.

There is no way we would have been able to accomplish this all ourselves. Percent Pledge has exceeded our goals and we know there is more to come!
Customer admin

These three Percent Pledge use cases represent just a snapshot of the myriad ways our customers have harnessed the capabilities of Percent Pledge to elevate their giving and volunteering initiatives on Giving Tuesday and the holiday giving season. We sincerely appreciate each customer for their dedication to making a positive impact. As we collectively embrace the spirit of generosity, we look forward to continuing this journey with our customers, creating lasting change, and fostering a culture of giving beyond the holiday season.







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Percent Pledge is different, by design:

  • Engage more employees: Get 50-75% of your team giving globally.
  • No fees on donations: Unlike others, $0 of your donations goes to us.
  • Launch instantly: Our platform is fast to set up and easy to use.
  • Expert support: Partnership from a dedicated Social Impact Manager.
  • Volunteer event planning services: In-person or virtual events.

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